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International Statistical Classification of Diseases, German Modification

The International Statistical Classification Of Diseases And Related Health Problems, 10th revision, German Modification (ICD-10-GM) is the official classification for the encoding of diagnoses in inpatient and outpatient medical care in Germany.

The currently valid version is ICD-10-GM 2024.

ICD-10-GM is available in various versions and formats in German language and is updated annually. The currently valid version is effective from the beginning until the end of a calendar year. In the case of corrections during this period of validity you will be informed by our newsletter (in German language).

Code search ICD-10-GM online

The ICD-10-GM online version is compiled from approx. 300 single files which are inter-linked extensively to ensure comfortable navigation. The integrated code-search enables fast location of the code you are looking for. The ICD-10-GM online version is only available in German language.

Code search ICD-10-GM online


The ICD-10-GM is offered in different versions and formats. All files are free of charge. With the download of files a contract of use between you and the BfArM comes into being. You can view the download conditions in a PDF version before downloading.

Download conditions (PDF, 219 kB) (in German language)

Downloads ICD-10-GM (in German language)

Coding questions

With the coding questions on the OPS, the BfArM provides questions and answers on the classification of operations and procedures. Please refer to the notes on the coding questions.

Notes on the quoding questions (in German language)

Coding questions ICD-10-GM (in German language)


General questions about the OPS are answered here. Code-specific questions on coding with the OPS can be found under: Coding questions ICD-10-GM (in German language)

FAQ ICD-10-GM (in German language)

Official diagnostic classification

BfArM publishes the ICD-10-GM on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health; it is in the public domain. Its use in inpatient care is laid down in § 301 Volume V of the German Social Security Code (SGB V) and in outpatient care is laid down in § 295 SGB V.

Structure of ICD-10-GM

The ICD-10-GM consists of two parts:

  • Tabular list: consisting of the hierarchically ordered list of codes together with supplementary information: The preface contains instructions on the encoding process and a commentary on the most important changes compared to the previous version. The appendix contains information about morphology of neoplasms and some assessment procedures for the identification of functional impairments.
  • Alphabetical Index with a comprehensive compilation of encoded diagnoses from the terminology used in inpatient and outpatient medical care. Until the publication of the 2004 version of the ICD-10-GM, it was referred to as the ICD-10 Thesaurus of Diagnostic Terms.

Far wider than the instructions within ICD-10-GM is the comprehensive system of rules pertaining to ICD-10-WHO. It contains general information about the structure and use of ICD-10 as well as general rules and directives for the encoding of diseases. This basic information also applies to ICD-10-GM. However, priority is given to section-specific encoding guidelines.

Tabular list of ICD-10-GM

Alphabetical index for the ICD-10-GM

Application of ICD-10-GM

ICD-10-GM as the basis for remuneration and financing systems

ICD-10-GM forms an important basis for the G-DRG and PEPP case-based fixed sum payment systems. Both are provided by InEK (Institute for the Hospital Remuneration System) on behalf of the self-governing partners of the German health care (the unified decision-making body of payer and provider corporatist constituencies) and are used in inpatient care. The reimbursement of outpatient care based on the German Uniform Assessment Standard (EBM) and the morbidity-based risk structure equalisation fund require diagnoses encoded in accordance with ICD-10-GM, as well.

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ICD-10-GM as an adaptation of ICD-10-WHO

ICD-10-GM is an adaptation of ICD-10-WHO, the World Health Organisation's "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems" translated into German by the BfArM (the number 10 refers to the 10th revision of the classification, GM means "German Modification"). It is part of the group of international health-related classifications. Until 2003, ICD-10-GM was known as ICD-10-SGB-V; SGB V stands for "Volume V of the German Social Security Code".

ICD-10-GM is a version adapted to the specific requirements of the German health care system. In structure and design, it corresponds to the VAS (Tabular List of inclusions and four-character subcategories) of the German language version of the ICD-10-WHO. From 1 January 2000, the classification has been used for the encoding of diagnoses in inpatient and outpatient health care (§§ 295 and 301 SGB V), particularly as part of the G-DRG (German Diagnosis Related Groups) payment system.

Steps of adaption: From WHO- across SGB-V- to GM-version

ICD-10-WHO for causes of death statistics

ICD-10 of WHO

Further information

Continuous development and improvement

History and outlook

Terminologies, nomenclatures and classifications (in German language)

Versions and formats