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German translations of SNOMED CT concepts

In 2020, a working group from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg (in short: D-A-CH-L) was formed to launch a joint German-language reference translation of SNOMED CT. The German Translation Group (GTG) is supported by SNOMED International. The working group aims to provide a common translation in the German language area. This translation is performed on the basis of concrete use cases (use-case-based); for resource reasons, an overall translation is not aimed at.
Prioritisation is based on the requirements of the health care system in the various countries. Legal tasks to support the electronic patient record or the electronic health record will be given priority.
For the quality assurance of the translations, a published translation guideline is constantly being revised.
You can find out more about the aims and current activities of the GTG here.

Go to GTG at Co-operations and projects

Request and contribute translations to SNOMED CT

If you need German translations of SNOMED CT concepts, please contact us via .
Please describe your field of application and the concepts for which you would like translations. We will be happy to receive your proposals.

Send your translation requests and proposals using a “template” from SNOMED International. If you, as a specialist, are willing to support these translation activities, we look forward to your cooperation through your scientific expert association. Please also observe the copyright regulations of SNOMED International.

Go to the template for translations
