BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

Navigation and service

The holder of a licence pursuant to Section 3 of the German Narcotic Drugs Act ("Betäubungsmittelgesetz", BtMG) is obligated to document every quantity received or supplied and the resulting stock consecutively and separately for each narcotic drug and each site. For details on the information to be given for every increase and decrease in stock please refer to Section 17 BtMG.

In contrast to the stipulations on the supply of proof laid down in Section 13 of the Narcotic Drugs Prescription Ordinance ("Betäubungsmittel-Verschreibungsverordnung", BtMVV), no official forms are required for keeping the a.m. records. Consequently, the information can be documented e.g. on handwritten filing cards or on individually created forms or electronically - as long as all data specified in Section 17 BtMG are available. Please click here for an Excel table especially designed for scientific institutions: