BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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Registered Online Medicine Retailers

In the following overviews, you can look up whether your medicine retailers is included in the register. The links in the "Internet address(es)" column safely transfer you to the website(s) of the desired retailer. Furthermore, you will find contact data of the retailer and of the respective competent supervisory authority.

Online pharmacies are allowed to trade non-prescription and prescription medicine.

Online medicine retailers are only allowed to trade non-prescription medicine.

Following key combinations are useful to find a specific retailer:

  • Press the keys "Ctrl" and "F" simultaneously. The Find toolbar is now activated.
  • Type your search term or parts of it, e.g. name or location of the retailer, in the text box on the Find toolbar and press the Enter key to start the search.
  • If there are several hits for your search term, click the button "Find Previous" or "Find Next" next to the Find Toolbar.

Your medicine retailer is not included?

Cannot find a retailer in the overviews? There may be the following reasons for this:

  • The pharmacy holds a mail order permit, but is not yet included in the register.
  • The pharmacy does not hold a mail order permit.
  • The medicine retailer is allowed to trade, but is not yet included in the register.
  • The medicine retailer isn’t allowed to trade.

If you like to order medicines at online retailers from abroad, please take note of our FAQ.