BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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The Jour Fixe on shortages (transferred to the Advisory Council in July 2020) decided in April 2020 to establish a Task Force to ensure the supply of intensiv care supply with critical medicines during the pandemic. Representatives of the pharmaceutical and medicinal associations and of the competent authorities are part of the Task Force.

As agreed within the 14th Meeting of the Jour Fixe on shortages, a Task Force was implemented to ensure the supply of intensiv care, surgical care and emergency care units during the pandemic.

As main topics and aims it was decided to

  • Develop lists of medicines for human use which are crucial to ensure the work in intensive care units
  • Define a model procedure to ensure supply in pandemic hotspots
  • Determination of rational demand and stock data
  • Define measures to avoid supply disruption in ICUs

Members of the Task Force are

The Federal Association of German Hospital Pharmacists (ADKA), Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists (ABDA), Drug Commission of German Pharmacists (AMK), Drug Commission of German Doctors (AkDÄ), Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), German Hospital Association (DKG), Paul- Ehrlich- Institute (PEI), ProGenerika and the Working group of scientific medical societies (AWMF)

Protocols of Meeting are available in German language only.