BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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Curriculum vitae

Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lauer

born on 3 January 1970 in Koblenz

Professional Experience
since October 2011

since January 2013
Head of the division "Medical Devices" (9)
of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
as well as
Head of the research group "Medical Devices" (53)
of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
2005 – until September 2011 Chief engineer and head of the research team "Ergonomics and safety of medical systems"
at the Chair of Medical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University,
Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University

Doctoral degree in Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
at the Chair of Medical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University

Title of thesis: "Development of a semi-robotic telemanipulation platform for an electronic surgical microscope"

2001 –2005

1999 –2001
Scientific employee in the working group "Surgical Therapeutic Techniques"
at the Chair of Applied Medical Engineering of the Medical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen University
at the Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University

1990 –1999 Diploma studies in Mechanical Engineering
at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University
Specialisation in "Design Engineering"